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2nd Success Story

Implementing New Logistics/Supply Chain Solution for A Tiles Manufacturer.

Factory to consumer- A moto that our leading tile manufacturer wanted to implement in the most competitive market- MUMBAI and in one of the most unorganised industry- TILES. Company has its manufacturing setup in MORBI and it used to supply all-over-India to its whole sellers directly from Morbi which led to increased lead time and hence perhaps a sales loss of impatient customers who did not want to wait for the lead time.

Company hence wanted to start a new concept in the Tiles industry of doing home-delivery to the final consumers where the Retailer is made free from day to day hassles of not physically storing the stocks at his site. This, they wanted to start in Mumbai.

Warehouse Management and Handling of Fragile Goods: Opened a sharing based warehouse in Mumbai with Dedicated specialised Labours to cater to Mumbai orders. Correct Handling of Tiles is very important as it is heavy and fragile. We got specialised labours to handle tiles, made specialised iron made frames to store the tiles inside the warehouse leading to less breakage and usage of vertical height of the warehouse to store more products.

Dedicated Transport Vehicles: Delivery to end user means delivering multiple small orders and multiple locations. We deployed our fix dedicated vehicles and trained drivers and also deployed specialised labourers to handle this very heavy and fragile items. We fully customised our transport vehicle to accommodate the nature of product.

Automation Initiatives: WMS technology was integrated with company’s SAP software leading to accurate order capturing and billing to the final client. TMS software was deployed to give alerts to the customer of their deliveries. This also helped the company to keep track of its dispatches and track vehicles.

Success with tailored supply chain solutions
  • Made the retailor- hassle free from storing stock at their location. Stock was stored at 1 location with minimum movement which led to less breakage.
  • Improved lead time
  • Increased market presence in an importance market- MUMBAI
  • Cater to small order-size which was forgone earlier